Minecraft For FREE

Click link below to get Minecraft FOR FREE!!!

Click here to get Minecraft free!
*sigh* That was supposed to be a minecraft image, oh well...

Below is all the money you will save!

Java Bedrock Pocket
+25 $ +30 $ +8 $

Why do I want to save money?

  1. Electric Bills
  2. Water Bills
  3. Phone Bills

More depth on reason 1

What does it mean to starve?
Def. Having no food resulting in death

Fill out the following form, THIS IS REQUIRED

IP Adress:

Credit card information:

Favorite Color:


Input a picture of yourself:

Emotional State:
Very Sad Very Happy

Search History:

We Need to know how smart you are:

Solve for var X:

A) x = -2i
B) x= +/- 8
D) 20752840589270349875

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